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Sunday, May 31, 2009
Tight Schedule... 10:03:00 PM

Oh gosh... What a TIGHT schedule for the 1st week of June Holidays. "Tight" is kind of like an understatement... And the whole thing kinda of revolves around=choir.

Monday-- Esplanade ACJC Concert
Tuesday-- Choir Practice 1pm-4pm

Wednesday-- Choir Practice 2pm-6pm

Thursday-- Sun Zhong Sun 8-12(??!!), Choir 2pm-7pm, Choir Performance 7.30-9.30

Friday-- Finally Resting...

So lets make an algebraic equation:

Get the idea?

Yea... Homework load is high, especially Mrs Leong's Maths. 5 sets of maths and 1 acelearning homework... What is this suppose to mean?! But proud of myself completed one with some Secondary 2 questions inside... Queries but confirmed with sister yesterday night using some secondary 2 methods. But a high sense of accomplishment! =) PROUD =)

I want to go do other stuff, so I got to go! Can't wait for the esplanade trip tonight, tell you about it in a later post i guess =).

Signing off,
Lee Hui =)

Saturday, May 30, 2009
Halo Ha... Last Step of Renovation 9:05:00 PM

As you can see,
Blog getting prettier, more updated and stuff. Just change the Skin. Will do some final touch up like links, plurk and other important stuff to this blog. Only this and the other posts left. Deleted everything else. During a renovation, one usually renovates the whole house, so yea... time to move on... Time is catching on...
Alright, anyways I will continuing updating my blog. And now I got to go because I got to add in all those links etc. =)
Maybe next post will be later, tell you about how busy my first week of June Holidays are and of course the Homework list for myself to keep track... Yeah, Bye. Wait for the next one to come!

Lee Hui was here =)

Thursday, May 21, 2009
Blogging after a long long while... 6:58:00 AM

Okay Hi everyone,

Weird, it was a long time since i last updated, told by QiQi. Alright today was an average day, quite a nice day too.

Anyway readers, June Holidays are coming any plans? I have only a few like do more exercise, read more, do more assessments and love life! =) Yea, it should be fun.

Anyways today, was an quite a hectic day and it is both fun and comedy-like.

Watch Enchanted during English. Watched before, but some of the scenes quite corny then Nancy has this horsey horsey face that set both me and sofia laughing because we were making random comments about the movies like about the movie and all even about the young girl having a cash card.

Then during recess, when to library trying to edit the PP but to no avail as all the computers were booked and our PP is 2007 cant open. So yea, when back to class to do the scrapbook.

Hmm... then it was science, forgot to bring book and it was not in my locker. Then after some visking tube experiment could see that Rissa like a bit Emotional and this we have to blame W.T.H.! Stupid...

Then the girls who was getting executed went off to go change take stuff to tie hair etc. Then after me Wei Qi, Yin Qi went roaming around the school trying to find the class coz we thought they were at the drama room/music room but they were at neither... they were at the classroom... kinda of diao kind of feeling.

It was really a funny kind of skit, lots of people complain etc. So yea, it was funny but a bit pointless but its okay. The objectives is just to learn teamwork so it is okay for me only find it damn weird.

EE, I and Heng Yi present. Note to Heng Yi: shouldnt have copy the info online then paste everything there. Must edit and add more pixs. and make shorter!! Pls take this advice when doing PP. YAY! Mrs Yeo say that the research very good! Is I and QIQI do one! =))) zi kua (praise myself hehehe)

So ya, a hectic and funny day kinda of enjoyed it. But kinda of in a bad mood. So yea, anyways thanks QIQI was introducing blogging into my life again!! =)